
Tom from Ludicrous Feed was invited as a guest speaker for the We Are Equinix Green & Sustainability Pillar event held by Equinix Australia.

EV Information Session for Equinix

Tom from Ludicrous Feed was invited as a guest speaker for the We Are Equinix Green & Sustainability Pillar event held by Equinix Australia.

On behalf of Equinix Australia and the We Are Equinix Green & Sustainability Pillar, we would like to thank you for your time today and for kindly agreeing to be our guest speaker!

It was a great session with tons of interest and engagement from the audience, both in person and also around Australia via Zoom. You have been spot on and have clearly articulated the significant benefits of transitioning to an electric vehicle. The EV landscape is definitely seeing huge changes, will be a real interesting future ahead.

Again, much thanks!

Sean Siew
Operational Sustainability Principal | Global Ops Engineering – Energy Efficiency
EQUINIX | Australia

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